A Tale of 2 WAHMs

Ramblings of 2 WAHMs - Anita DeFrank and Kara Kelso. Partners in business discuss how we manage successful websites and young children at home.

Monday, June 13, 2005

From a Customer's Point of View...

Okay, first of all ... I've been shamed! {Blush} LOL!

I recieved an email this morning from a potential customer who was looking into possibly buying some Greeting Cakes. Well, she so polietly left me know that she was somewhat surprised that she couldn't find more info regarding the cakes such as size, s&h charges, and ingredients. Honestly, I couldn't belive her and had to take a better look at my site. And as I've said...I've been shamed!

It does need to be noted first though as business owners we do have to make sure we step back and look at what we have to offer from a customer's point of view. Imagine that you were looking at your site for the very first time (as a customer) and you've never heard of the products being offered (which as a GCC distributor, it's more often than not, lol!).

If you knew nothing at all about your products; would you be able to tell what it is, what it does or why you need it from your website? Is there a place where all the questions (or most anyway) that could possibly be asked answered?

Of course, there's no way you can possibly answer all the questions that may come up, but are the most common one's answered or are you making your potential customers contact you for the info?

So, as a resolution to this problem I built another page this morning for my GCC site with a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Greeting Cake FAQ

Take care,

P.S. Now, Rush on over to yours and make sure you've done the same!! LOL! Take my shaming as a lesson learned! LOL!


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