A Tale of 2 WAHMs

Ramblings of 2 WAHMs - Anita DeFrank and Kara Kelso. Partners in business discuss how we manage successful websites and young children at home.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday HURRAY!

It's Monday again, my favorite day of the week! It's funny how working at home turns your life completely backwards. I use to hate Mondays just like everyone else, but now I see Monday as a fresh start. Almost like the feel of a brand new notebook or folder. So much to do, and can be done. I love being busy and having the chance to "start over" every single week.

So what's on the agenda for today? Well, that I'm not sure of. My online classes start today, and I've got to make a trip over to the next town to pick up books. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, eh? Let's hope they are in. They better be, I ordered them last week. I do look forward to starting, although it should be interesting juggling three college classes along with everything else. Thankfully my son informed me he has no desire to play soccer, so there's one after school activity I don't have to worry about. Basketball and baseball will probably be a different story though.

Aside from getting started on classes, my focus still remains on Idea Queen. Unfortunately, I'm starting to run out of ideas. I'm still working out of my folder of plans, although starting to come up a bit short. I suppose I should be working on some articles, but again I'm beginning to become somewhat stumped. What I really need is for some additional ideas to be submitted, as well as some more incoming links. I'll probably be working on the same thing I have been for the last few weeks - new content, links, and updates.

Before I officially start my day and end this post, let me say hello and welcome to all of those who breezed in from Site Swap. I found this blog while surfing on BlogExplosion the other day, and I think it's a wonderful idea. For those of you coming from somewhere else, the idea is pretty simple. About twice a week two new questions about two blogs are posted. You check out the sites and answer the questions, then submit your own sites/blogs in. Neat way to find some interesting sites while getting a little exposure for your own. Best of all there's someone real behind the site, so no junk. Do be sure to check out their site!


  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger maria said…

    Hi Kara,

    I can't believe I finally found
    someone who likes mondays like I do.

    Of course, I didn't like them when
    I was in high school,but now that
    I am my own boss, I LOVE MONDAYS!



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