Breaking My Own Rules
It seems since the release of our big project that we've been talking about for months now ( Direct Sales Success Kit ), I've been breaking one of my own rules. Which is, limiting my business hours and not working on anything business related after my son comes home from school.
I suppose it's a good thing I'm breaking my own rule of not working too much, because it means my motivation has been high. Something I haven't been able to say in a very long time. Although I tried, nothing seemed to interest me and business had taken more of a "job" mindset. I dreaded working, and just didn't want to do it. But the Direct Sales Success Kit excited me. Working on it was exciting, but marketing it is even more fun. I absolutely love it, and it's amazing how I can thrive when handed an assignment like this. I'm actually MORE organized and accomplish 10 times more when I have more to do. Weird eh? The less I have to do, the less I get done, but the more I have to do the more organized I get and zip through all tasks in less time than if I were to have only a few things to do.
So while much of my long hours of working has been on writing articles, posting on message boards, and doing other marketing related tasks, I've also been working on sites I haven't worked on in a long time. Mom's Market got some edits outside of just new advertising, Mom's Ezine Directory got a new catagory added (Free content for publishers), and I added new products to Soy Wax Candles. This week I've even visited message boards I haven't been to in awhile (some for years even!), and it was so nice seeing familiar faces that I haven't had time to chat with recently.
Even though I feel great working hard again, I feel bad right now that it's almost bed time and I'm still sitting on this computer. I can't seem to stop, because when I do some other idea pops in my head and I just HAVE to finish it! Fortunately this time around my family isn't suffering too badly without me. Home cooked meals still find their way on to the table, and housework seems to be at least half way caught up (that I fear is a challenge I'll never overcome haha).
With all the ideas still swimming in my head, I know I could stay here and work for another several hours. However, I know my bed time is one rule I absolutely cannot ignore (I've been down the late night work habits road before, and got very sick), so I'm very thankful for my hand-dandy dry erase board sitting beside me. ;)