A Tale of 2 WAHMs

Ramblings of 2 WAHMs - Anita DeFrank and Kara Kelso. Partners in business discuss how we manage successful websites and young children at home.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

There's non-business stuff online?

I didn't think it was possible for me to actually use the internet for anything other than business. Sure I get the occasional funny forward or note from a friend, and I use Yahoo IM to stay in touch with a few people, but that's about it. Little did I know there was more....

When MySpace hit I didn't think it was anything special. Rather, I thought it was very ANNOYING. Millions of sites with bad layouts and automatic music. It's like someone had this great idea to take every single website no-no, and use them all in one place. Oh fun! NOT.

Well after some pressure from a very good friend, I said fine. I'll put up a profile just so you can add me, but I'm not doing anything with it. What's the point of that? I literally put up nothing on my page, because I didn't have time to mess with it.

Flash forward a few months, and an old friend happens to find the friend mentioned above. He tells me on Yahoo IM....."You'll never guess who found me on MySpace". Hmmmm really....maybe I should take a look?

I added her to my friend list, and even put a little blurb on my page. Heck I even put my favorite song on the page too. (It doesn't automatically start though - thank you for this option, now teach people how to use it!).

Then after a few days, someone I haven't seen in probably 10 years adds me to their list. Holy cow! You mean you can actually find people you WANT to talk to here?? Crazy! I went looking myself and found a slew of people I'd lost track of. How COOL is THAT?

So I've officially joined the bandwagon. Yes I have a MySpace page. It's actually got a nice background to it (my online training hasn't completely flown out the window - my page is actaully READ-ABLE), some pictures, and music. I've actually started playing with it, and you know what? It's fun!

Now I know there's lots that use it for business networking and all that, but I don't think it's wise. I don't list any of my websites, and don't even really dive into anything I do. You all may think "What??? You're passing up free advertising!!". But no, it's better this way. It's my personal space away from business. I wouldn't want my links tied in with some of the garbage you find there, and yeah it would be at least indirectly (friends of friends).

Will I post my profile link anywhere? NOPE. This is MYSPACE......if I want to network on a business level, I'll go to Ryze. ;)


  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Val said…

    I have chatted with people I haven't seen since graduation and even earlier. lol One of my ex-boyfriends from 9th grade sent me a message.

    It's been fun to catch up since all of us moved away immediately.


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