A Tale of 2 WAHMs

Ramblings of 2 WAHMs - Anita DeFrank and Kara Kelso. Partners in business discuss how we manage successful websites and young children at home.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kids Craft Ideas

Alright everyone. *Gives stern look*

We are all bright, talented, and creative women. I know you have some craft ideas out there that didn't come from a book. And here I am offering FREE ADVERTISING for your kids craft ideas, yet I've only got TWO submissions so far.

Did you miss the memo maybe?

Alright let me run through it again then.....

I'm writing an ebook all about kids craft ideas. Those who contribute will get full credit for their idea in the ebook AND on a special public page. What this means is you not only get a "one way link" from a public page, but also a link in an ebook which I hope will be sitting on hundreds of peoples computers. Think about it for a minute....that's ten times better than a bookmark!

So I guess if you are already successful in your business and don't need free advertising, don't bother submitting. However, if you have just ONE craft in mind (that didn't come from a resell right ebook), submit it here:
Submit Your Craft for Free Advertising!


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