A Tale of 2 WAHMs

Ramblings of 2 WAHMs - Anita DeFrank and Kara Kelso. Partners in business discuss how we manage successful websites and young children at home.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Parnerships and Changes

The best part of the partnership that Anita and I have is we are able to still work separately on our own projects. We don't share a whole lot, basically just a newsletter and another project that, well, we are just both too busy with our own stuff to mess with at this time. Keeping things separate allows us both to come and go when we need to handle things at home, without needing the other to be here. A lot of the time we work on projects separately, then promote for eachother by weaving projects together after they are completed. I think I've even confused myself, so I'll stop. The bottom line is the partnership between Anita and I is a perfect one.

Like right now I've got a lot to handle at home, since my personal life has been turned upside down. This single mother has become un-single, and adjusting to a new person in the house is not easy. The kids absolutely love him and so do I, but the change has been a big one. Working at home is wonderful, but it can be extremely challenging when your focus isn't on work.

I've managed to work every day since the new addition to our household arrived, but only for a few hours. I pop in every morning, say hello to Anita and work on any small projects I need to with her before working on my own stuff on and off the rest of the day. We've also started remodeling this week so it's been extra hard to keep focus with everything going on. I have made a vow to at least post one new product review in my newest blog - Shopping for Toddlers. So far so good, it's now Tuesday and there's 2 reviews there. I do believe I may have to double up on some days with Christmas so close - I want there to be a good amount of products listed before it's officially Christmas shopping season. I know we have already entered it though, and wished I would have started this a little sooner. While I know I'll be catching some birthday sales, the majority of sales are going to come from Christmas. This blog was exactly what I needed for the Christmas season since there was that big Yahoo accident, so I'm happy with it. I do know I should do at least another domain name or two for some of the other products that were listed on Mom's Market that are now gone from Yahoo, just to boost my income up a little more before Christmas hits.

I think I'm done rambling for the day. Time to go surfing and reading a few blogs at BlogExplosion before calling it a day. I still feel like I haven't gotten much done, but I suppose it will get easier as we all adjust. ;)


  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger Carrie Huggins said…


    Did you get a puppy or did you get a man?
    Cuz I'm not sure ;)

  • At 10:53 AM, Blogger Ladybug Dawn said…

    What's the difference? LOL! No seriously, a man. ;) A good one at that!

  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger Carrie Huggins said…


    I have a friend who is long divorced who wants desperately to get married, so she can "have someone to fix things around the house and talk to".

    I suggested she get a dog and a good mechanic and save herself some trouble ;)



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