Selling Tips, Organization Tips, & More
( Can be read at: )
~ Notes from Anita and Kara
~ Business Article - People DO NOT Buy From Websites...
Of course the title of this article IS NOT complete as $1,000,000s in sales are made every day by online entrepreneurs. What it should have read to be more accurate was "People DO NOT buy from websites....they buy from other people".
~ Latest Message Board Topics
~ Childcare Article - Writing Time, Family Time and More Writing: The Balancing Act
Ok. So here I am again, lying in bed, awake at 2 am trying to come up with a logical, but successful plan on juggling motherhood and work. Another dead end. My brain just isn’t working. My sweat glands are though, as my skin feels clammy, my mind is racing and my tired eyes are wide open as if I have toothpicks holding them open-Ugh! What’s a mom to do?
~ Humor Article - Pink Slips for the Kids
No one has to tell you that the economy is dreadful right now. Gasoline prices are rising faster than my blood pressure. There’s no such thing as a cheap lunch for our family of six anywhere within a hundred mile radius of my house, even when using coupons. So, drastic times require drastic measures. We might have to lay off one of the kids.
~ Recipe - Banana Cream Cheesecake
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